The Upper Body Workout Circuit for Desk-Sitting Professionals

The pandemic shifted many workouts to require less equipment and be more time-efficient due to reduced gym availability and opting to workout at home. Thanks to your New Years' fitness resolution, wherever you're choosing to stay active, it's likely you're noticing the benefits of your hard work: better sleep, improved metabolism, and better posture with … Continue reading The Upper Body Workout Circuit for Desk-Sitting Professionals

When I Learned that Negotiation Isn’t About Winning

Some of the most important learning I've done over the past few years is a principle of collaboration I had long believed in. Its significance was reinforced in an unforgettable fashion when I attended a course on negotiations taught by Peter D. Johnston, Managing Director, NAI Limited. I was part of a double-blind negotiation exercise … Continue reading When I Learned that Negotiation Isn’t About Winning

A New Approach to Conquering Your Commute

If you live in a big metro area, it's very possible that you measure your commute in more than just minutes. You have likely exhausted all of your music playlists and have heard the same traffic updates at least three times within the last 10 minutes. It's time to introduce your ears to something new: podcasts. Get started with three podcast suggestions specially curated for the emerging professional woman. Continue reading...