Your hard work has paid off and you're now ready to take on your next career opportunity - congratulations! All that is left to do is to tie things up at your current gig. Every career girl should know that leaving an organization is an opportunity to demonstrate personal integrity. The way in which you … Continue reading How to Get a Job-Winning Reference
Taking Your Full Vacation Balance Is Better for You Than You Think
In the spirit of being a high achiever, you haven't gotten around to using your vacation time. I'm here to tell you that you are not doing yourself a favour by sitting on that mound of hours. Using your vacation time is better for you than you think; not only for your workplace wellness and … Continue reading Taking Your Full Vacation Balance Is Better for You Than You Think
A New Approach to Conquering Your Commute
If you live in a big metro area, it's very possible that you measure your commute in more than just minutes. You have likely exhausted all of your music playlists and have heard the same traffic updates at least three times within the last 10 minutes. It's time to introduce your ears to something new: podcasts. Get started with three podcast suggestions specially curated for the emerging professional woman. Continue reading...
Short & Sweet Resume Success
You are hunting for a lateral career move with greater opportunity for growth, or you're gearing up to apply for the next appropriate career milestone. All you need to know is how to prepare the perfect resume. This simple tactic may leave you asking yourself, "Why didn't I think of this sooner?" Continue reading...
The Career Development Strategy That Will Get You Noticed
I get it. You hear the words “interview” and your nerves start buzzing with the spirit of your over-prepared Type A tendencies. Chill – this interview will be the easiest and arguably the most productive career conversation you will have.
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